9 Key International Programmes Highlighted at Network Enabled Capability Technology 2017


Launching in Rome on the 1st and 2nd of February 2017, SMi’s Network Enabled Capability Technology will showcase nine key international programmes at the forefront of advancing capability in this essential area of defence.

As nations continue to improve and implement netcentric capabilities across their armed forces, the conference will address issues surrounding the demand of modernisation and digitisation of information, the growing need for networking unmanned platforms and procurement for technological advancements of defence operations.


Led by high-level military leaders and technical experts, the two-day event will feature the following presentations:

·         How Forza NEC Will Impact the Future of Operational Effectiveness of Italian Armed Forces
General (Ret'd) Vincenzo Camporini, VP Istituto Affari Internazionali, Former Chief of Defence General Staff, Italian Army

·         Developing Future Capabilities of the Army Through Implementation of NEC Technology
Brigadier General Peter O'Halloran, Assistant Chief of Staff, Irish Defence Forces

·         Incorporating Cyber into the NATO Military Structure
Brigadier General Christos Anthanasiadis, Assistant Chief of Staff for the JCyber Division, SHAPE, Greek Army

·         Marrying Technology with User Demand for Tactical CIS
Tony Reeves, Technical Director UK Ministry of Defence MORPHEUS NEO Programme, PA Consulting   

·         US's Future Combat Systems: Creating Netcentric Concepts for Multimission Combat System
Colonel Carl J Worthington, Commander 2nd Signal Brigade, US Army Europe 

·         Networked Warfare – Enabling Adaptive Dispersed Operations

Colonel Sean Sullivan, Director of Land Command Information / G6, Canadian Army

·         How the "V409 NEC" Programme Supports the Integration of Network Enabled Capabilities
Major Wouter Samson, Doctrine C4I, Manoeuvre Center of Excellence, Royal Netherlands Army

·         Norwegian Network Enabled Capabilities
Major Ola Petter Odden, Norwegian Army Combat Lab, Norwegian Armed Forces

·         Countering the Russian A2/AD Challenge while Fostering Maritime Security: The Role of Multilateral Maritime Networking in the Baltic Sea Region
Lieutenant Commander Stefan Lundqvist, Military Studies Department, Swedish Defence University

The conference will also explore updates of the Italian Army’s Forza NEC programme as its "Concept Developing & Experimentation" phase nears completion in 2020. Participants can expect case studies from esteemed Commander of the Italian Army Training and Doctrine Command, Lieutenant General Giorgio Battisti, as well as senior representatives from the Italian Armed Forces.

A detailed agenda including a full list of speakers and their respective topics can be viewed on the event website.

There is currently a £200 Early Registration Discount for online bookings made by 30th November 2016. Visit http://www.networkenabledcapability.com/difesa for more details.

Network Enabled Capability Technology
1st – 2nd February 2017
Crowne Plaza Rome – St Peter’s Hotel & Spa, Rome, Italy